Saturday, December 25, 2004

The Greatest Gift Part Two...

When I first posted my entry regarding my love for my husband, Bill, and his love and himself being the greatest gift I could ever receive, I had no idea I was preparing myself to be more aware of the love surrounding me. On Christmas Eve Day, at the elderly man that owner financed my home and lives next door to me called to wish Bill, the kids, and I a very Merry Christmas and told me how much he cared for us. I replied, "Abe, well we love you very much too." I have known him for a long time and had never told him those words. He treated my kids as his grand-kids and loved and adored us. When he called, I had a strange feeling and got goose bumps all over and the whole phone call seemed odd.... He then said, "God Bless Ya'll and that is all I wanted to say"... and I said okay and God Bless Ya'll too." A few minutes later an ambulance arrived, then several other cars, and a police car. Abe had clicked off the phone and slumped over in his chair and had passed on. All the way to West Texas I knew he was dead, but could not bring myself to admit it. I had talked to his wife before the ambulance left and she did not know his condition. When I got to my parents house, I called and found out for sure. I cannot put into words the emotions going through my heart. It was very un-nerving to have been the last person he spoke too, but at the same time it was very special and I feel he was telling us good-bye. I also wonder why I was the person he thought to call before he died. It was odd... it was as though he knew he was going... Christmas is going to mean something entirely different to me and my family from now on.... and I think I now have a guardian angel....

All My Love,
Merry Christmas


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