Saturday, April 30, 2005

Some say my font is silver-gray.... I say it is a hazy shade of winter....

Hey folks... surprised to see an update so soon? Well, hell I am surprised at myself as well.....

I had a post all planned out in this little ol' brain of mine and I guess age is catching up with me because I have forgotten what the bugger was all about. So, I am just going to ramble, which seems to be what I do best nowadays.

I am recovering from surgery fairly well, except that now, everything I eat is automatically turned into explosive devication without probable cause. Which means get the hell out of my way I need the pot!!!!

Bill's Mom is comming for a visit on the 13th and will be the first time I have ever seen her in person. I am a little nervous, but more excited. I know the kids and Bill will enjoy it very much..... Now if I can just get Bill to Clean his mess, I will be in heaven....

That's all for now....


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