Monday, August 22, 2005


Yes folks with the rising cost of gasoline, I have decided to do my part to conserve gasoline and help my pocket book all at the same time. No longer will I drive above 55 MPH. I am also trying to rally a group of people to car pool. I can no longer afford the cost of driving back and forth to work each week. Not to mention the havoc said costs have done to other costs as well. Our natural gas and electricity is said to rise up to 66% this coming winter. While we are paying $2.599 a gallon, the country of Iraq is paying .05 cents a gallon for gas… and the war was not for oil "he" says. Rising costs of inflation is "supposed" to be the major factor in costs rising… Hmmm, I watched a report on the news the other night that the estimated cost for a pack of cigarettes was "supposed" to be $2.00 a pack in 2005 as compared to the 1.25 a pack in 1995. New Yorkers are payin 7.50 a pack. While the cost of living is rising, our wages are not. The only energy saving technique our leaders can create and agree upon is to extend daylight savings time…. BIG FAT FUCKING HAIRY DEAL.
So, In my effort to conserve I am making changes. If enough of the citizens did, our voices could be heard.
Imagine if all of the vehicles used to transport goods, mail, packages and so forth went on strike? Our country would lose millions upon millions of dollars in taxes and revenue…. Money talks and bullshit walks….
Anyone have any ideas on how to tighten the belt on our pocket books even more? I would be glad to hear it….

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