Sunday, February 29, 2004

real busy... project due monday for the kids... didn't tell me until today.....will post tomorrow.. love to all

Wednesday, February 25, 2004


Saturday I am going shopping with my trusty side-kick, Allen and I am so ready for a day of fun and comic relief provided soley by the twisted sense of humors Allen and I have the pleasure of owning....

I hope you all liked my post from Yesterday.... I know I did....."go me" lol

I am genius ....
Kiss thou which art holy...

Namely ME!!!! lol

I am ready for spring... I am sick and tried of dead grass, dead trees, and mudd... I want green, green, green and more fucking green... blue skies, sunshine and pretty flowers all in a row...

till then.. TA'

Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Being the proverberial Smart Ass that I am.... This is for you Allen....


there I posted something new....Ha ha ha... Snort... Gufaw... Gasp.... Snort.... Chuckle.....

Gawd I am gooooooooooooooooddddddddddddd.......

Thursday, February 19, 2004


I have been pondering what to post for a few days. Something new, something interesting, something different. So, I have created my wish list. It is intended for fun and for my own pleasure. I hope you enjoy reading it.

My Wish List

1.) Magickally lose weight
2.) Make a living doing something I enjoy
3.) Meet Stevie Nicks and all of FM
4.) Live out my dreams
5.) A whole weekend alone in my house with no husband and no kids

Now for a more material list

1.) Tango In the Night CD
2.) Fleetwood Mac (white CD)
3.) Rumors
4.) Mirage
5.) Behind The Mask
6.) Tickets to the June 16th FM concert
7.) All three of the re-releases coming out March 23rd by FM
8.) Complete works of Led Zeppelin
9.) Live at the Red Rocks (Stevie Nicks)
10.) The complete videos of Stevie Nicks
11.) Fleetwood Mac's The Dance on DVD
12.) Some new nice clothes
13.) A nice vacation
14.) Extra Money
15.) A complete true unabridged version of the Lord Of the Rings Series(books)
16.) One day in my life without a headache….
17.) Insulation for My house
18.) New energy efficient windows for my house
19.) Central Heat and Air
20.) My hardwood floors to be re-finished
21.) For once New furniture.. Not second-hand unmatching pieces.
22.) New Shoes
23.) A spiral perm for my hair
24.) Good make-up and skin care products
25.) For Bill to no longer be in pain everyday
26.) To find the reason for this aching loneliness in my heart.

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Why is it when you put numbers to paper they make perfect sense?

I mean, I figured our monthy Income versus the monthly outgoing and we should not be as broke as we always seem to be....

So..... I am working on a budget.... I am tired of never having money for emergencies, or un-forseen expenses, or money to buy things I sometimes have a hankering for.... So>>> if any of ya'll have any pointers I would greatly appreciate it. Also.... A thousand bucks would be nice to get out of the red and into the black so I can start fresh....Ha Ha... I know... wish in one hand and deficate in another and see which one fills up first....HA HA HA

For 5 days running I am the reigning Electronic Yatzhee Queen... Go me!!! I can never beat Bill at anything and for now I am winning.... Yeah!!!!

I have a new cat... He is part siamese and is 5 months old and I have coronated him as "Shadow"..... because for the first two days he hid in the shadows under my bed and he also was so nervous "shadows moved across his face" until he became aclimated to his new surroundings... He is a good kity and minds his manners and Uses his toilet like a good boy. He loves to sleep on my chest and gives me pious looks if I neglect to serve him his daily rationing of milk. His most favorite thing in the world to play with is a ball of aluminum foil.... Amazing.... Inexpensive and fun to watch.... He shedds like everything and has this incredibly soft fur and is goregous... I am in love...LOL....

I am still working overtime... trying to make it paycheck to paycheck all the while trying to enjoy life and find some meaning and inspiration out there...

Till we Meet Again...

Dance In the Silver Light of the Moon
Dance In the Illusions of old
Ponder upon the timeless stars
and Wish upon a dream....


Sunday, February 15, 2004


We awoke Saturday morning to a blanket of beautiful snow and it snowed all day long. Unfortunatley most of it melted as it fell, but it beautiful and relaxing to spend the day with my family. Bill and I had a nice simple Valentine's Day and an even better night...TEEHEE TEEHEE..... I hope everyone had a great valentines and I will be posting again soon..... Bill has that twinkle in his eye... and I simply cannot resist.... MUAZ...


Tuesday, February 10, 2004

THE MAC IS BACK!!!!!!!!!

I received an email from the fleetwood mac mailling list confirming that Mac will be touring in the U.S. again and will be in Dallas, Tx June 16th.... I soooooooooooo wanna be there....

Sunday, February 08, 2004

My good friend, Allen, wrote a poem about me recently after a he and I had gone a a grocery shopping excursion and we listened to my most favorite Stevie Songs... and of course I was totally into the songs, singing along and just "into" the whole vibe put off by the the songs... To make a long story short he wrote a poem about me that totally captured my spirit and I love the Poem.... I am sharing it with ya'll and hope you enjoy.....


Banishing the sun and greeting the moon.
Whispering to trees on sunny days.
Where fields of green swayed like ocean
waves in the wind.
Talking to stars on cold winter nights.
Stars that winked like they were in on the joke.
Animals howled and the hail always drops.
Wishes are cast and dreams never lost.
Raised arms and hair that flowed freely.
Wide eyed dramatization perfected by maturity.
Never-ending smirk and humor behind
concrete facade.
Hee-haw laugher that warms my soul.
Blatant hatred of other peoples' perception.
Yearning for knowledge and truth and
kindred connectedness.
My own personal sister of the moon.
Dancing freely.
Naked. Mightily aware. Joyfully repenting. Beautiful.
Sister of the moon.


I am soooo excited... I can hardly stand myself and I am going to hard to live with...... the below is taken from "The Nicks Fix" the official Stevie Nicks Web site.... read it and you will understand my excitement ....

Information below was not written by me and belongs to "The Nicks Fix"

"The album Fleetwood Mac includes single versions of “Say You Love Me,” “Rhiannon,” “Over My Head” and “Blue Letter”, as well as insightful liner notes by Rolling Stone writer Parke Puterbaugh.

Rumours will include a full additional disc of 18 unreleased tracks featuring early demos of “Gold Dust Woman” and “Never Going Back Again,” as well as liner notes written by noted rock scribe Dave DiMartino.

Tusk will include an additional disc of 21 previously unissued demos and outtakes, including a full, unedited release of “Sara.” Additionally, liner notes are provided by Parke Puterbaugh.

All three titles are available on March 23, 2004, at all retail outlets and at "

Thursday, February 05, 2004

Well, as I promised here are some poems.... there are quite few have fun...

A dreamer left to dream alone
Only becomes entwined in a hopeless
Web spun through time and
The ages, for all their reasons,
Leave me saddened at the loss of
Unbidden fortitude, of youth, and
I feel old

Time is not a healer of wounds
Discontent is really a demon
Disguised by a veil called humanity
On which the worlds reality feed

Renee H


Fear Lead Me Not, Fear Lead Me No More.

An open wound intensified
Behind the veil of onyx shadows
Reflections of a nightmare
Seemingly real
Living among a web of circumstance,
But..Still alone
With the memory, a heartbeat
Pounding out the dream sequence
Over and over until the visions
Become cloudy with a myst
Laying its body across this nightmare
Suffocating the flames, removing
The vise with which it holds you
And the fear subsides

Renee H.

Written after a nightmare about my ex-husband D.

Lady Moon

No, the world has not heard her name
No not yet anyway.
She does not concede to a defeat

Like a vamp, like a ghost, like a
Wisp of the ancients
She floats on down
On through enchanted nights

She never mentions the word magick
No, not on this rotation
Sometimes you can hear her talking,
Chanting to the ancients
Drawing down her moon
Calling forth, invoking a power
Borrowed on a favor of God &Goddess

The fate is something
She has not met, not yet
And still she keeps on

Like a vamp, like a ghost
Like the wisps of the ancients
Calling on the moon
Call her home

Renee H.

No Strength of Character

The world revolves on a disposable
Society, reeking of decay and
All that will be left is the plastic
Shell we mutated to

Below the surface I hear Humanity
Screaming for release, gurgling
For air

Renee H

Prelude To A Change

Living every night
In shadows, in darkness
A veil across a doorway

And as the rain
Swept across her heart
She washed clean the
Haunted spirits of old
Dwelling within her
Lonesome soul
Bathing in loves silver light
Drowning all sorrows
Dancing with the wind,
Becoming one with her moon
And the ageless faded away
Among her Dark Moon vision

Renee H


Into the soft folds
Of forbidden love
Seeking a absolute
Mystique to compliment
Her own psyche.
Torn between worlds
Living one by night,
The other by day
Longing for ALL
Her woes to take
Leave from her heart
And drift away on
The soft gentle wind

Renee H

Tuesday, February 03, 2004

So..... I was sitting at my computer tonight contemplating what to write and felt the need to write something Profound..... Well Here goes....


Whew... there I did was that mentally exhausting.....

Okay, but seriously folks. I am way to serious minded for my own good and felt I needed a little humour tonight....LOL....

I am looking forward to this new year and have been feverently praying for more financial stability.... I do necessariy want overwhelming wealth, but I would like to be able to at least put money back for emergencies instead of living paycheck to paycheck. I feel I have made some strong postive decisions and pray that I continue do so...

I also want to take a moment and thank all of the great friends I have out there.. Allen, Jenny, Ronnie, and Tonya.... Ya'll are the greatest....and I am very blessed to have ya'll in my life and have you to lean on...and to have good times with....Everyday, I learn something new from one of you guys and I grow and become a better person for it.... Thanks for accepting me for me and all my faults..... Lots of love to you...


Monday, February 02, 2004

What can I say... nothing much is going on and alot is going on.... busy trying to get my taxes finished....Though I wont see much of the return... Its going to pay off a bill....working massive overtime and generally feeling drained... I have a few things I am working on and will post soon.....

Love to All