Sunday, February 08, 2004

My good friend, Allen, wrote a poem about me recently after a he and I had gone a a grocery shopping excursion and we listened to my most favorite Stevie Songs... and of course I was totally into the songs, singing along and just "into" the whole vibe put off by the the songs... To make a long story short he wrote a poem about me that totally captured my spirit and I love the Poem.... I am sharing it with ya'll and hope you enjoy.....


Banishing the sun and greeting the moon.
Whispering to trees on sunny days.
Where fields of green swayed like ocean
waves in the wind.
Talking to stars on cold winter nights.
Stars that winked like they were in on the joke.
Animals howled and the hail always drops.
Wishes are cast and dreams never lost.
Raised arms and hair that flowed freely.
Wide eyed dramatization perfected by maturity.
Never-ending smirk and humor behind
concrete facade.
Hee-haw laugher that warms my soul.
Blatant hatred of other peoples' perception.
Yearning for knowledge and truth and
kindred connectedness.
My own personal sister of the moon.
Dancing freely.
Naked. Mightily aware. Joyfully repenting. Beautiful.
Sister of the moon.

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