Monday, May 31, 2004


Last night I purchased the last movie in this trilogy and awoke at 9:30 AM with hopes of getting on early start in watching the movie since it is 3 hours and 20 minutes long. It was not until 10:30 that we actually got settled in to watch it. I was totally enthralled, captivated, and engrossed in this movie. All of movies have been excellent, however, each sequel has been better than the last. With each movie I felt as though I was there, living it all through the eyes of Frodo, Sam, Gandalf, Argon, Arwyn, and the others. I apologize if I misspelled any of the names. My oldest step-son seems to be in the opinion that Harry Potter is better... I do not agree with him... Harry is good and I enjoy reading those novels and seeing the movies... but for some reason the magic of The Lord Of the Rings has completely enchanted me....

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