Thursday, July 01, 2004


One year and ten days ago a friend of mine, a father, a husband, a son, and productive member of society was ripped from our lives by a woman that is only being partially held accountable for her actions. The trial began on June 21st, exactly, one year ago to the day of the shooting, and yesterday afteroon she was found guilty of manslaughter and not murder which carries a penalty of probation or 20 years in prison. Today, the jury is deliberating her sentence and as of this writing I have not heard the outcome. While I am thankful for some form of justice, I am saddened that the outcome was not more severe, she did take a life. It can be argued that was not her intent, but let us be realistic for a moment. Her boyfriend was beating the shit out of his wife, yes wife, and my friend was trying to get him off her, and the woman went inside the house got a .357 magnum, and returned outside. The gunshot entered his thigh at close range and travelled upwards through his mouth and exiting his head. She told authorites she fired the gun in the air... (sorry folks does not compute). The wife, had been beaten unconscious, and has no recollection of the events after the fight with her husband began. The only three people that really know what happened are the woman, the husband, and my friend...

It can be argued this was a heat of the moment arguement that went all wrong, but it still doesn't change the fact she went and got the gun and used it on my friend and killed him. There are many more facts I could discuss, but it would take too much time, and I cannot change the verdict. I hope she rots in hell...

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