Monday, July 19, 2004

HMMMMMMMMM..... Interesting Prospects......

I am forever in search of a bargin, however; sometimes, I do pay for the convience of things, such as AOL, BUT, those days may soon be over. Currently, I have DSL through AOL and it costs a small forturne. Today, I found out that Verizon offers DSL with MSN for 29.95 no additional charges. While speaking with the rep from Verizon, I asked her several times... Does MSN charge an addtional charge for use of their services.... Her reply everytime was NO. A neighbor friend has recently signed up for DSL with Verizon and was told the same thing. She is supposed to let me know if this is true.... I just can't help but be suspicious. However, if it turns out to be true... I am so switching.... Good-bye AOL.... I called AOL to see if they offered anytime of promotion package that included the same as Verizon, and no they don't AND they are no longer promoting DSL or offering it to new customers. Existing customers can still carry it but at an additional charge of 31.95 or so a month. So, I am starting to think that I may truly be on too something here and that verizon is the way to go.... and if it is.... YAHOO!!!! I just saved us ooodles of money.... Yeah ME!!!!

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