Wednesday, June 09, 2004


I may be breaking some etiquette rule by not addressing President Reagan as "former" President Reagan, but my intentions are truly of respect for this man and his family. I was in the 4th grade when Mr. Reagan was elected by our nation as our leader and this Presidents time in office has always been a point of interest to me because it was at a time and an age when I first started becoming "socially" and politically aware. We particpated in a "mock" election and the three classes of about 80 kids split down the middle. I was not for Mr. Reagan and Mr. Bush, simpily because my parents weren't and it was during the course of debates at school that I learned the first important rules to choosing a our leader and that sometimes Parents are not always right. In the end, I was swayed by some pretty interesting facts and come election day I voted my heart and voted for Mr. Reagan, though I never told anyone I did, especially my family. I would have been a traitor...I also remember the day President Reagan was shot.. March 30,1981. We were all lined up in the hall to go to lunch and My teacher, Mrs. Wilson, made the announcement and I immeadiately began to cry... I was frightened... I did not understand this act and was afraid our country was now vulnerable to foreign attack. I do not know why I felt that particular emotion and it took several teachers to explain the entire situation to me before I could grasp what was really happening. President Reagan was in office when the first space shuttle was launched, and he was also in office when THE CHALLENGER exploded, which was another pivotal moment in my life. I was proud of the stand he took with Momar Kadaffi and I was charmed by his grace and character. When I learned he had been diagnosised with Alzheimr's, I was saddened for him and his family and prayed for him to be able to continue on in life with dignity and when the end would come... to fade with dignity as well and when I learned the end had come... I sat in my room alone and cried. The first time I have cried real tears in many years. No, I did not know President Reagan personally, but he was an important leader, role-model, and icon during some of the most important years of my childhood. I greatly respect this man and his leagcy and I am thankful he is now at peace and no longer walking in shadows cast by a horrible disease. I pray for his family and loved ones and hope grief touches them only briefly. I have gotten to watch the very little on televison regarding the ceremonies and processionals, but I did get to see today his casket being carried into the rotunda at the capital. After his casket was placed in position a Televsion camera from above zoomed out for an awe inspiring view of his casket and the Honor Guard surrounding it and the glow of the lights around the entire scene. I started crying and when it cut to the horse without his rider, and President Reagan's boots placed backward in the stirrups... I was sobbing. It made me think of some many things, good, bad, joyful, and frightening. I think President Reagan is receiving the best of intentions and attentions and I for one do not think it is being over done. He was a leader of our Country...and should have our respect...

May He Rest In Glorious Peace...

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