Monday, June 21, 2004

Humor Is In the Gufaw of the Beholder....

Apparently no one found my little antedote about Slash's guitar amusing. I thought It was hilarious. I guess it was one of those "you had to be there moments"....

The kids are leaving Thursday to be with their Mom for the rest of the summer. I am going to miss them, but I am also going to enjoy a break for a few weeks. Too bad I have to work the whole time they are gone... TEE HEE...

Not much else going on here... Just unusually cool temperatures for our area for this time of year. The high tomorrow is only supposed to be in the 80's, which is fine with me because,normally, it is hitting 100 about now.

I haven't written anything new in awhile.. I have a dry spell going, but it will pass .. it always does.

Well I should be in bed and I guess that about updates everything going on here. Muaz..


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